Statutes of the IALS
Art. 1.
An Association is established, under the auspices of UNESCO, entitled the International Association of Legal Science (hereinafter called the Association).
Art. 2.
The Association has its seat in Paris, at UNESCO House.
Art. 3.
The Association fosters the Development of legal science throughout the world through the study of foreign laws and the use of the comparative method.
It has as its ultimate object to aid the mutual knowledge and understanding of nations.
Art. 4.
The Association lends its aid to international exchanges, in every form, and facilitates by methods of international co-operation meetings among jurists and the access to legal sources, publications and documents.
Art. 5.
The Association encourages in every country the development of institutions devoted to the study of foreign laws and comparative law, and stimulates their creation in countries where they do not exist.
Art. 6.
The Association fulfils its task mainly by making use of existing institutions; it strives to co-ordinate their activities and afford them new facilities. It may however undertake certain works on its own initiative.
Art. 7.
The Association has for its members National Committees which devote themselves to the tasks defined in the above articles. Their applications for admission require the approval of the International Committee of Comparative Law. (2)
Art. 8.
The National Committees are free to choose such names as they wish and regulate at their discretion the form and details of their organisation, taking account of the circumstances.
Art. 9.
The National Committees pay an annual subscription. It is for each National Committee to determine freely the amount of its subscription, subject to an annual minimum of 150 Euros.
The Associate members admitted after July 1, 2004 pay an annual subscription the amount of which shall be freely determined by them, subject to an annual minimum to be fixed from time to time by the International Committee of Comparative Law.
The National Committees and the Associate Members admitted under article 10 may make gifts to the Association.
When a National Committee has not paid its subscription for at least two years, the International Committee of Comparative Law may:
a) suspend the communication to the National Committee of the documents which the Association distributes among its members, as well as any other facility to which they are entitled;
b) deprive the National Committee of the right to appoint a delegate to the Council of the Association (art.12);
c) deprive the National Committee of the right to propose a candidate for election to the International Committee of Comparative Law (art.13);
d) deprive the National Committee’s delegate to the Council of the right to take part in the election of the International Committee of Comparative Law (art.16).
When a National Committee has not paid its subscription for at least three years, the International Committee of Comparative Law may decide to exclude the Committee from the Association.
Art. 10.
The status of Associate Member may be accorded to international institutions, national or international research institutes, and law firms, whose application has been approved by the International Committee of Comparative Law.
Art. 11.
The affairs of the International Association of Legal Science are directed, with the assistance of a Council, by an International Committee of Comparative Law (hereinafter called the International Committee) composed of nine members. It is managed, on behalf of the International Committee, by a Secretary-General. The direction of scientific studies is conducted by a Director.
Art. 12.
The Council is composed of delegates appointed by the National Committee, one delegate each.
The National Committees make known to the International Committee the names of the persons appointed by them and any alterations thereto.
Art. 13.
The members of the International Committee must belong to nine different States. They should represent as far as possible the principal types of the various legal systems.
They are elected by the Council on a postal vote, by a relative majority, from a list of persons proposed by the National Committees.
They are elected for three years and are re-eligible.
If the International Committee deems it necessary in order to assure an adequate representation of legal systems, it may by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting co-opt as members, to serve during its tenure of office, one or two additional persons.
Art. 14.
The International Committee elects for three years a President and two Vice-Presidents from among its members or from outside. The President is not immediately re-eligible. The Vice-Presidents may be immediately re-elected, but for one turn only.
Art. 15.
The Secretary-General and the Director of Scientific Studies are appointed by the International Committee for a period of five years. The mandate of the Director of Scientific Studies cannot be renewed.
The Secretary-General and the Director of Scientific Studies attend the meetings of the International Committee in an advisory capacity.
Art. 16.
The members of the Council elect the members of the International Committee and submit to it any proposals or suggestions which they think fit.
They are consulted by the International Committee upon questions of gravity.
Art. 17.
The International Committee meets, when summoned by its President, at least once a year, unless the Committee decides, for exceptional reasons, to adjourn the meeting for two years.
It decides whether to admit National Committees as well as Associate Members, and appoints the Secretary-General and the Director of Scientific Studies.
It directs the activities of the Association, prepares a detailed budget, approves such reports and accounts as are presented to it, and in general makes all important decisions concerning the functioning of the Association.
Art. 18.
The decisions of the International Committee are taken by a majority vote of its members.
Any member of the International Committee may appoint a non-member to represent him at the meetings of the International Committee.
Art. 19.
The Secretary-General and the Director of Scientific Studies execute the decisions of the International Committee and, in the interval between sessions, undertake in its name all measures necessary to assure the functioning of the Association.
Art. 20.
The Associate Members are entitled to receive all communications concerning the activities of the Association.
They may present any suggestions relative to those activities.
Art. 21.
The Statutes of the Association may be modified by an absolute majority of the National Committees.
Modifications are proposed by the International Committee. The International Committee is bound to put forward a proposal if it is demanded by at least one third of the National Committees.
Art. 22.
The Association is dissolved if, by the withdrawal of some of its members, it comes to comprise fewer than seven National Committees.